Sunday 24 February 2008

Ben Alder

The weather can today (Sunday) be best described as frustrating. An early morning start to get into Ben Alder to have a look and do one of the ridges was pretty much a waste of time. Our attempt fizzled out about 5km into the inital 15km bike approach to the bothy due to a mixture of heavy showers and wind. Judging by the number of cars at Dalwhinnie station the bothy would have been busy. I was surprised to see how much snow was left as Carngorm was pretty much stripped. To save something from the day we went up a Graham on the east side of the A9. The blizzard showers continued all day and the wind remained high. In between the horizontal waves of snow brief glimpses of Ben Alder down the glen teased us and by the time we had dropped off the hill it looked considerably whiter than in the morning. Hopefully we have enough of a winter left to go back up for a second go.

1 comment:

Will Wilkinson said...

Ben Alder looks plastered! We just need the weather to play ball for once this winter!