Wednesday 19 December 2007

Temperture Inversion

North Scotland has been languishing under a temperature inversion for a least a couple of days now. This means that it has been absolutely baltic down here at sea level (-10C) but much warmer up in the hills. We have had superb blue skies but those are soon to go as soon as we get closer to the weekend.

I got a 10M run in on Saturday near Inverness in the Dumnaglas Estate. The head keeper didn't seem too keen but let me do my run and I did my best to avoid his pheasants. No shooting is allowed on Sundays so I would probably schedule my next run or bike accordingly. There are some great tracks and the one through Conagleann would be a very fine afternoon ride or run (although you would have to do a bit of running on the road). In making the effort to go to the lower hills I have finally realised there is so much more to Scotland then Munros and Corbetts. Within 20min drive from home I was in some seriously wild country. Unfortunately this very wildness is making it vulnerable to 'green energy' developers as they see this area as un-used and therefore any easy target. It would be a shame to 'lose' these quiet, undeveloped areas so close to Inverness for quick hit finacial benefits for absentee landlords, corrupt councillors and energy companies. Rant over!

To help my climbing partner get fit I went for a wander on Sunday to have a look at a bit of the Ramsay Round. Unfortunately the clouds were too low to make the trip much use. Still, my thinking is that the more I recognise on the attempt itself, the less stressful it will be and make it easier to recognise if/when I go wrong. It is a bit early for new year resolutions, but I really must get out running with my co-attemptee for some joint reccies.

The Adventure Show was about the OMM tonight and I got in shot a couple of times. It brought it all back again and I definetly hope to be back doing the event again. Perhaps with better training (faster but shorter long runs) and better navigation (orienteering races) I could do slightly better.

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