Saturday 1 March 2008

River Evelix Round

My two big challenges for this year, Ramsay's Round and The Fellsman, both will involve some running in the dark and exercising during the more unsociable hours of the day. Accordingly, I have developed a new scheme for super-early starts for long runs mid-week. This also means my weekends are more free for climbing and other things.

On Thursday at 5.45am I set off from Clashmore near Dornoch for a 20-odd mile run around River Evelix including the tops of Beinn Dimhnaill and Creag Ghobhair, both of which are Grahams (sorry Marylins). The first hour was dark and made more interesting by disappearing paths and rabid dogs franatically barking from every farm I passed. Even more scary when you can't tell where the hellhounds are and even if they are chained. Seeing the dawn breaking over the Dornoch Firth was more than adequate compensation for the early start and for the most part the running was very pleasant. As I got higher the hills of the West looked stunning with caps of very white snow enhancing their rugged character.

Droping back into the woods above Clashmore at around 9 o'clock was one of those great running experiences. Shafts of sunlight breaking through stands of Caledonian Pine, birds calling and startled roe deer breaking out alongside the track as I jogged along. A couple of miles before the finish I came upon an abandoned covered water tank. Behind the decrept wooden door I could hear the slighlty omonous dripping of water. Against all my better instincts I was drawn into opening the door. It was dark and dingy inside as you would expect. My imagination went into over-drive and I could practically see the balloons and the 'IT' clown. I slammed the door shut and took off, my heart rate soaring. Still trying to be rational I kept catching myself looking over my shoulder half-expecting to see a clown with an evil grin chasing me down!

Distance: 20M Time: 3h 45 Max HR 166 Av HR 144

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